
The University of Oslo Rankings for the period of 2022-2023

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University of Oslo,Norway
University of Oslo, Rankings,Fee,Courses,Adminission

University Info Description
Country NameNorway
University NameUniversity of Oslo
National Rank1
Quality of
Education Rank
Alumni Employment Rank701
Research Performance Rank92

Rankings,Fee,Courses,Adminission, Reviews, Scholarship,International Scholarship

Norway : University rankings to assess university performance on the global stage and to provide a resource for readers to understand the different missions and successes of higher education institutions.

Most famous universities in Norway

1544Norwegian School of Sport Sciences67.50090
77University of Oslo82.900175
1594University of Agder67.300100
885Norwegian School of Economics71.00060
1695Oslo Metropolitan University66.900110
1703BI Norwegian Business School66.80012255
182Norwegian University of Science and Technology79.100259
1731University of South-Eastern Norway66.700130
512University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway74.00040
791Norwegian University of Life Sciences71.60050

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